Saturday, 1 December 2012

ISMA‘IL - First Magazine For Waqifeen-e-Nau

Written By: Deeba Chaudhry

By the Grace of Allah Almighty! The first magazine “ISMA‘IL” for Waqifeen-e-Nau (Life Devotee) has been launched at a time when it coincides with the Tehrik Waqf-e-Nau scheme approaching its 25th year, Alhamdolillah. Allah Almighty may affirm this has blessed in every respect… (Ameen!).
The magazine has been named “ISMA‘IL”, which reminds us of the sacrifices made by Hadhrat Islamail (as) and by Hadhrat Hajira (as) who spent their lives in a desolate and barren place and instituted exceptional standards of sacrifices for the same of religion. Likewise, it is expected of every Waqif (Life Devotee) to uphold the covenant of Waqf (dedication) made by their parents even before their birth, who have in turn themselves the high qualities of Waqf in the light of the standards set by Hadhrat Ismail (as) whose sacrifices were accepted by Allah Almighty and who was blessed with the Perfect Man from his lineage. It was this Perfect Man who instigated the great spiritual revolution turning the wild nomads into a civilised race and inspired them to achieve and reflect on the attributes of Allah Almighty. The sacrifices made by them were of a lofty standard, which, in the history of Islam, will be remembered as a golden era. Without being part of an organised structure, they dedicated their lives unreservedly and were fully prepared for every sacrifice to serve the cause of their religion.

Every Waqif (Life Devotee), without a shadow of a doubt, is Waqfe Zindagi (dedicated for life) whether or not he is engaged in practical terms to serve the Jama’at. His every word and deed should reflect the highest qualities of a Waqf-e-Zindagi, the epitome of which is Taqwa (fear of Allah). Waqifeen-e-Nau should always bear in mind that they ought to follow the path of Taqwa and every work that they undertake is done only to achieve Allah’s pleasure. Safeguard your Salaat and contemplate upon the Quranic teachings and to apply them to your daily life. For our reformation, Allah Almighty has bestowed upon us the perfect and the true Disciple of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as the Promised Messiah and Madhi (as). By taking an oath of allegiance to him, we have pledged that we will give precedence to religion over all worldly affairs. We will not achieve this until our words and deeds are in total submission to the Quranic teachings and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
In order to the fulfill Waqf wholly and in a true sense, Waqifeen-e-Nau ought to lead their lives in complete submission to the Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and in compliance with the elucidations of the Imam of this age, the Promised Messiah (as). May you accomplish this with Allah’s Grace, Ameen!

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